Pallones Gothic Whitney Lynn
Ch. Pallones Here's Lukin Attcha X Pallones Sugar Magnolia

OFA Prelims Good
OFA Elbows Clear
Special Thanks to Deborah Pallone
for sending such a wonderful dog!


Whitney almost 14 months
her first show experience

Whitney is a cute young girl sent to us from Deborah Pallone at Pallone Mastiffs in Sunset Texas. Whitney is a double Jed granddaughter, and holds a lot of promise in the show ring. She is very typey and is a beautiful fawn brindle. We are planning to breed her to Jack next year!

Couch Potatos




 Pedigree   7-14-2001
Pallones Gothic Whiney Lynn Ch. Pallones Here's Lukin Attcha Ch. Smok'n Lad's Sand River Rio
Pallone's Crowning Glory
Pallones Sugar Magnolia Ch. Greiner Hall Jedadiah
Pallones Sweet Rockin Liberty

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